Core Feature List

Core Feature: Daily Activity Register

A great challenge for any business owner is to understand that their mindset is their greatest obstacle to their growth.  We all know that coaching and repetition will make someone a better athlete or performer.  Did you also know that coaching and repetition can turn a business owner into a real leader and a strategic thinker?  This core feature, the Taproot Social Daily Activity register, helps you keep the mindset necessary to be a real leader.

The practice of recording your daily activity helps to focus yourself.  It may also be shared with your Upline and Downline so they can learn if you are struggling with growing or learning the ropes.  They can proactively reach out to you and help because they are aware.  They are aware because they have Taproot Social.

Daily activity register
Accessories office. handle, daily log
Pen, diary, clock and computer keyboard

Core Feature: Social Firewall

The second Taproot Social core feature is extremely important.  You get these memes all the time.  We know.  "Hey did you see what Joe Smith politician did yesterday?"  Or [insert not safe for work image here] above some extraordinary claim.  How about your friend's invite to join them in playing that latest, insane, and nonsensical game?  You likely do not trot these around while trying to conduct business so why would you want them interfering in your MLM business growth as well?

Taproot Social provides a firewall that prevents that social content from entering your Taproot Social News Feed.  Do not worry about those posts interrupting a discussion thread involving new recruits seeking advice on growing their business in their area.  However, you will be able to share your business activity out onto your social world.  That is because the firewall is only blocking one direction - from social into business.  It purposefully will let certain Taproot Social business activity post onto your social feeds which in turn shares your business with potentially millions of people in as few as 72 hours!

A firewall from social feeds
Shield antivirus and laptop
Button shield security business web, grey

Core Feature: Runs on Facebook

The third core feature is leveraging Facebook.  You likely know they have over 1.3 BILLION monthly users worldwide and 757 MILLION sign onto Facebook daily.  Globally, over 556 million people now access the site every day on their smartphone or tablet.  You probably have your own account and are part of that mass of users.  Pew Research Center found that the average number of friends among adult Facebook users is 338 and the median comes in at 200 friends.  As Pew says: "In other words, half of all Facebook users have more than 200 friends, and half have less than 200."  The median number of friends by age showed ages of 18-29 with 300 and 30-49 with 200 each.  These are your target demographics!  You can see why this feature is a core feature of our service.

Most network marketing companies offer substantial technical Back Offices via the Internet but they most often lack a cohesive offering for social media or Internet marketing.  This leaves the individual distributors to fend for themselves in a medium which they have little to no experience as to how to maximize their time on the Internet.  Entering this void is Taproot Social.

Taproot Social is an application built to run inside of Facebook.  This means it has all the customary features and functionality available with Facebook; which you, your friends, your business associates, and prospects ALL know and understand how to use.  There is no learning curve with the application.  With so many people logging onto Facebook DAILY and around the world, it is a sure bet they will leverage Taproot Social's power of surfing Facebook.  Taproot Social will grow the business of subscribers simply because it can expose their business and their leadership virally, in hours.

Facebook login on iPad and iPhone
Facebook likes
FB alerts

Core Feature: News & Events

Another of core feature is taking advantage of one benefit of using Facebook as the platform for Taproot Social is the potential reach to be had when Facebook users share content from Taproot Social with their friends on the social Facebook pages. Because of the strength of a friend’s endorsement communication through Facebook can help high-quality products grow tremendously.

Announcing News and Events to your team members has never been easier than with this core feature of Taproot Social.  Post an event like any Facebook event, get RSVP notices automatically sent to you, and use the I am Here! check-in feature to record attendance.  This also attracts others in Taproot Social to the events so your next business presentation meeting will be a huge success.  Other members and prospects will see the history of these meetings and their popularity and they will realize you are the leader they need to follow into this business.

When you post news items like new additions enrolled in your team, new points or levels achieved, or any other news, your connected team members will see these posts on their Taproot Social feeds and be kept up to date.  Those posts will also cross over our firewall and post onto your social Facebook feed - exponentially notifying others of your building success.

News Events crosswords

Core Feature: Builds Leaders

The last of our core features is that Taproot Social creates team leaders.  This core feature is the biggest feature.  Teams are the glue that keeps your business moving.   As a Team Leader, it is your responsibility to be in constant communication with your team.  You must showcase to everyone, inside and outside the team, all of the success occurring within the team. Once that kinetic energy builds up the individual members will have so much confidence in their team they will transcend into natural networking behaviors.  They will have stopped selling and will instead begin to excitedly share.  Taproot Social elevates that sharing and elevates the leadership.

According to the Direct Seller’s Association:

Only 2% of people ever enroll on their first exposure
Only 3% of people ever enroll on their second exposure
Only 5% of people ever enroll on their third exposure
Only 10% of people ever enroll on their fourth exposure
80% of people enroll on their fifth to twelfth exposure

Taproot Social is your key to exposure.  Remember our business firewall from your social life.  Posts from Taproot Social feeds will enter the social network and become exposed to MILLIONS of people in a matter of hours and days.  When the Friends of your Friends see your business posts appearing over and over again, they become curious enough to reach out to you.  Yeah, imagine that!  They will be beating your door down to learn just what is happening that is so damned positive that it keeps leaking into their view.

Yet this is still a team-based business and those outliers looking in on your business are going to be interested in the team leader that is the heart of the success.  Since the Firewall from Social will block Taproot Social from their view, until they enlist under you, they will only be able to see your social feed.  That should be enough though as they will be able to make contact, see your common interests like family status, children, where you live, where you went to school, what occupation you had (before becoming successful at network marketing), and what you do for fun like boating, camping, hiking, sports, whatever it is.  This rapport is key to getting a new enrollee and Facebook will expedite that rapport.  Taproot Social will bridge the business gap and let them see the leader who want to follow into this networking business.

green metal license plate words Follow Me
Hello I am an Expert