Daily Activities

Genuine success stories in MLM businesses are only found after a long and patient climb up the ladder.  Those who achieve the success continue to strive above and beyond always asking "what else?"  Quite possibly you have been or are still around individuals who portray MLM as simply get-rich-quick schemes.  We know that is not the truth.  It never has been nor shall it ever become.  Taproot Social recognizes this truth.

Chances are also good that you have witnessed independent representatives who have been brought onto stages at company events and presented as leaders who have made success.  You will have seen their team right there with them in support of their stage presence.  Maybe you did not connect it but it was that link - between leader and team - that made that leader so much more the leader.

“The speed of the leader is the speed of the gang.” —Mary Kay Ash

A great challenge for any business owner is to understand that their mindset is their greatest obstacle to their growth. We all know that coaching and repetition will make someone a better athlete or performer. Did you also know that coaching and repetition can turn a business owner into a real leader and a strategic thinker? The Daily Activity Register in Taproot Social helps you keep the mindset necessary to be a real leader.

The practice of recording your daily activity helps to focus yourself. Daily activity will also be shared with your Upline and Downline so they can learn if you are struggling with growing or learning the ropes. They can proactively reach out to you and help because they are aware. They are aware because they have Taproot Social.

“You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the season, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is something you have charge of.” —Jim Rohn

Network marketing is a steady, plodding, calculating, and repetitive race to success.  Hares not apply.  Tortoises are welcome.  Why?

Focus.  Laser focus on the objective whether that is the customer, another team member, or another personal achievement goal.  We stress that your daily efforts are part of that laser focus.  That is why we introduced the Daily Activity Register in Taproot Social.  By tracking your daily activity like number of phone calls, meetings attended, minutes read on material for growth and knowledge, minutes of video watched, and so forth, you empower yourself to see your focus and the results of that focus to detail.  Visualizing this ensures you achieve the goals.

And when you are a leader and your team members are also subscribers to Taproot Social, you will receive notices when they update their registers.  This helps you to stay on top of your team's focus and help them to grow.  When they grow, you grow.  Growth means more revenues.